Henrik Haven popped over to Vilnius Street art festival to pap some of the walls over there, here’s a little round-up of some of what he saw…
First time in Vilnius, Aryz has created a mural from the scratch, without any preparatory sketch. Initially the owners of the building, a public medical centre, expressed their wishes not to have any skeletons, skulls or cigarettes in the mural, since it might be offensive to their aging clientele. However, in the end Aryz signature skeletons appeared and the mural is now a hit with elderly ladies passing by to the medical centre.
Aryz has incorporated Lithuanian words “Kaip Ne Žmogus”, meaning, “not like human” into his mural. The phrase was written by the local graffiti artist on the wall before it was buffed by the council few years ago. Beautiful reference completing the concept of the mural as well as earning him a wide respect in Vilnius graffiti scene.
Tankpetrol @ Lukiskiu Prison
Lukiskiu Prison is the toughest prison in Lithuania and the only one where prisoners for life see their days go by. In 2014 Lukiskes is celebrating 100 years old anniversary. Surrounded by urban legends and also facing an ex-KGB interrogation facility Lukiskes is a landmark building. Vilnius Street Art Festival in partnership with Urban Nation invited Polish artist Tankpetrol, currently based in Manchester, to create a piece on the outside perimeter of the wall interpreting themes of the oppression and the freedom.
Tankpetrol has created a stunning piece with his signature stencil style that immediately became a hit both with Vilnius inhabitants and with the prison staff that loved Tankpetrol’s choice of colour. “Green is a colour of hope. We hope this artwork would help to change how the public see’s our institution, we are not here to oppress, but to protect.” – said the head of the prison.